Sleeping fetus = mini-heart attack
Friday was our first appointment with Dr. K for this pregnancy. My appointment was at 8am. I returned home at 11:30am. T. wasn't able to join me due to work obligations so he was freaking out when I finally did get in touch with him. PGAL does a lot to mess with one's mind and expectations. After an hour of filling out medical records and paperwork I finally had the opportunity for an ultrasound. Prior to the appointment I had been trying not to freak out telling myself that (other than history) I had no reason to worry about this LO. In the u/s room I hopped up on the table, pulled up my shirt, unbuttoned my pants and the OB resident, under the supervision of Dr. K began to do the u/s. She was a bit clumsy but I tried to be patient with her. She found the fetus quickly and LO was just chilling. I didn't see the heartbeat right away and I tried not to freak out. In real time it was probably about 2 seconds my in my mind it felt like a lifetime. They finally found the he...