
Showing posts from June, 2013

Ups and downs

Thank you for all your prayers, good thoughts, and positive energy. B.'s surgery was successful. The surgeon said it went very well and it only took 16 minutes. We got to see her following the surgery and she looked comfortable. Her doctor decided to try to establish a PIC line while she was sedated. Unfortunately they have not been successful with their 2 attempts so far. Her little veins are just too small at this point. The doctors really want to get the PIC line in because her umbilical lines are almost at the end of their useful life. They are quite loose and only being held in place by the tape surrounding her belly button. The last I heard they will try again tomorrow but if they are again unsuccessful then they will have to establish a peripheral line and try for the PIC line when she's bigger. B. had a bit of a rough night that resulted in increases to her O2 settings. She had been at 20-25% pre-surgery but was up to 65% last night. She was managing to compensate som...

Quick update.

I apologize for leaving you all hanging with the 3rd part of Beatrix's arrival. I'll try to finish it in the next few days. Right now we are focused on getting her through heart surgery tomorrow. Our sweet girl has Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and requires surgery to close it. She will be in the hands of a nationally recognized surgeon so we know she will be in good hands. Still it is difficult to think of our tiny baby having open heart surgery.  Please send prayers, good thoughts, and healing energy her way. She is a strong little fighter and I believe that she will make it through the surgery.

Welcome little B! (Part 2)

As they prepped me to move me to Birthing Room 6 I said to the nurses, "Her name is Beatrix." p until this point only T. and and my immediate family knew our thoughts on names.  I was 99% sure this is what I wanted to name her but T. and I were having difficult referring to her as B. Mostly she was Baby. Saying her name out loud was important because if something as to go wrong I wanted the world to know her name. Once I was transported to Birthing Room 6 things started to move quickly. The contractions started to come more regularly but they were a bit erratic. Dr. LK ordered an ultrasound and the ultrasound showed that bay was doing well and that there was still good fluid levels. Throughout this whole time I felt the urge to use the bathroom. After the earlier bleeding I stopped so hadn't completely emptied my bladder. The nurses were a bit concerned about this because apparently a full bladder can aggravate an irritable uterus. Shift change for the nurses occurred...

Announcing B! (part 1)

Our beautiful tiny daughter was born yesterday, June 2nd, at 8:41am via emergency c-section. She is a tiny little thing weighing only 1lb 5oz and only 11 1/2 inches long. B's first day Her birth was a bit of a surprise. On Saturday I was feeling a bit off but couldn't put my finger on it. I had a feeling something might be happening but tried to comfort myself into thinking it was just normal pregnancy signs. Sunday morning at about 4am I woke up to go to the bathroom and as I sat up felt a small gush of fluid and thought, "Oh no." I went to the bathroom and peed saw some pinkish cervical mucus but didn't notice anything else out of the ordinary. I alerted the night nurse and she seemed a bit concerned and suggested putting me back on the  TOCO monitor. After a few minutes she came back and said she noticed some slight irritability and offered a visteril to help calm things. I had been having irriability through out and was fine with this as I had previous...