Saturday, August 3. Day 62.
I am grateful to say that B continues to do well. She now weighs 1250g or 2lb 12oz! She is now more than twice her weight at birth. She is also 14 1/4 inches long. She has graduated from her itty bitty preemie diapers to regular preemie diapers.
With her weight gain she is now up to 17ml/ 2 hours. She is getting near the point where she will switch to feedings every 3 hours. We are hoping that we might begin some nursing next week. She would still be fed primarily through her nasal gavage but we would have a few sessions of nursing. She's been working her binky like pro so I am hopeful that we will have success.
Auntie Sara and family came for a visit today and got to help out with bath time. And by help out I mean take lots of pictures of our little bathing beauty.
It is amazing to watch how B changes every day. Last night T and I were looking through some of our older pictures and her changes, even in the the past 2 weeks, are remarkable. Tomorrow she will be 9 weeks old! I am so very thankful for every day, hour, and minute of these last 9 weeks.
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