Announcing B! (part 1)

Our beautiful tiny daughter was born yesterday, June 2nd, at 8:41am via emergency c-section. She is a tiny little thing weighing only 1lb 5oz and only 11 1/2 inches long.
B's first day

Her birth was a bit of a surprise. On Saturday I was feeling a bit off but couldn't put my finger on it. I had a feeling something might be happening but tried to comfort myself into thinking it was just normal pregnancy signs.

Sunday morning at about 4am I woke up to go to the bathroom and as I sat up felt a small gush of fluid and thought, "Oh no." I went to the bathroom and peed saw some pinkish cervical mucus but didn't notice anything else out of the ordinary. I alerted the night nurse and she seemed a bit concerned and suggested putting me back on the  TOCO monitor. After a few minutes she came back and said she noticed some slight irritability and offered a visteril to help calm things. I had been having irriability through out and was fine with this as I had previously responded well to it. The irritability progressed to minor contractions. This resulted in an IV for fluids again in hopes of calming things down. The nurse then did a test to check for amniotic fluids in the birth canal in case that gush was my water breaking but it came back negative. I was temporarily relieved!

I had to go to the bathroom again and this time there was a gush of blood. I knew this was not good. I called for the nurse who luckily was nearby. She came in and helped calm me and I cried out in tears, "We were so close!" Meaning our goal of making it until Wednesday when I would be transferred to the higher risk hospital. The nurse told me the best thing I could do was try to relax and keep my body calm. I complied and got back in bed. They phoned Dr. LK so said to put me back on the magnesium sulfate - not my favorite thing but at this point I was willing to do anything. The mag had calmed my ute before and I was hoping it would again.  The started to monitor baby again at this point but I asked if they could turn down the monitor. It was too difficult to know that she was healthy and fine and that once again my body was failing me.

The mag seemed to work for a little bit and the contractions spaced out and slowed down a bit. I hadn't felt them previously but I was starting to notice a sensation in my lower abdomen. The nurses also put me in the head down position to try to relieve some pressure on my cervix. At this point it was about 6am and the nurses decided to move me to Birthing Room 6 "for privacy." I thought to myself, "this isn't good." When at the hospital in L&D triage with S. they decided to put me in the same room for "privacy" and I ended up delivering S. a few hours later. I shared with the nurses that this would be the same room where I lost S. and they seemed sympathetic but moved me there anyway.

To be continued in another post in hopes that you keep reading!


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