On my own.

T. left on Wednesday in a swirl of last minute panic from Covid tests, $400 in extra luggage fees, and near-missed connections. He is now quaranting in his 2-bedroom apartment with balcony in Stuttgart Mitte. There is a beautiful church across the street and the church bells are driving him crazy. Our previous quandary over which neighborhood to live has quickly turned into wherever is farthest from the church bells! 

B. and I are adjusting. In some ways this feels like another deployment or active duty stint. On the other hand I am trying to declutter an overstuffed 1400 sq ft house, with full basement and garage. On my own. While working as a nurse. During a pandemic. While homeschooling my child.

Here's how I copied with his departure: The world's best $7.50 vegan milkshake from Strong Hearts Cafe in Syracuse. Emotional eating at its best.  


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