Our family

I forgot I had this blog. Amazing how life gets moving and things have a way of falling off the radar. 

B. is 7. 7 years old. She is a blessing and I am grateful to be her mommy. These past few years have had their ups and downs but every day I wake up and think how lucky I am (after I curse about waking up so early and how my back aches). 

This pandemic has thrown our lives into turmoil but we have been lucky. T. and I have our jobs. B. lived with my parents for 2.5 months during the beginning of all this craziness. With my increased risk from working at the hospital we felt it best, even though it was difficult, to have her stay with my parents. We could best limit her and their risk that way. We would talk on the phone daily and see each other for a socially distant visit weekly. It was painful when one of us, and sometimes even B., had to remind the other person of the 6 ft rule. Our Easter egg hunt consisted of B. lobbing some plastic eggs my way so we would all have similar amounts. 

The pandemic has affected B.'s schooling as well. In order to maintain some sense of control we decided early on to homeschool B. for the 20-21 school year. We waited to start with the school district's calendar and even attempted a few painful days of remote learning before officially sending in our LOI. 

I am still working in the NICU and trying to find pleasure and fulfillment in a high stress environment. T. is teaching from home this semester. And we both, with some help from my parents, are teaching B her homeschool curriculum. 

And because I am a glutton for punishment and a chaos junkie we are currently fostering a mama cat and her 4 kittens. And to add a little more chaos, T. applied for a job in Stuttgart, Germany. Why the heck not? 

So B. is 7. I am 44. T. turns 49 on Friday. (any suggestions for a present at this late date?) And life keeps moving on. Every now and again we discuss fostering a baby (at work we have had some sweet ones in need of a family). Fostering these kittens has made me realize I could never foster and child and send it back to a sketchy situation. So we are us and it is us three. Our family is missing our smallest members. B. frequently talks about Sylvie and Evie. But no amount of love or desire will bring them back. Our family is missing some pieces but for us it is whole. 


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