Falling in to place

Things are moving along and falling into place. For the most part. 

We've accepted an offer on the house. 
The van has been sold. 
T. signed a lease for a townhouse in Germany. 
Plane tickets have been purchased. 

To say it has been extremely stressful would be an understatement. Most conversations with T. involve us trading lists of stressors and hopes for some peace when we are all reunited. 

Outstanding stressors include:
-Closing on the house
-Getting house packed and shipped (and the movers told us it could take to two months to get our HHG!)
-B. getting an admission offer at her potential school
-Getting through the airport with luggage, two cats, a dog, and a heavy heart. 

Here is a beautiful water color done by my friend and artist Cathy Hartung. It will be a cherished reminder of our happy home. 


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