Bed rest!

As luxurious as it sounds to spend all day in bed or on the couch it really isn't all that it is cracked up to be. Today is my third day of bed rest. At my appointment on Tuesday they measured my cervix and found that it had reduced from 3.4cm last Tuesday to 1.3cm. The amount of change is such a short period of time was cause for concern. Dr. K said that I was off work and on bed rest for the remainder of this pregnancy. Oh lordy.

T. and I had talked about the possibility of long term bed rest after a week of bed rest following the insertion of my cerclage at 12w. Neither of us was thrilled with the idea but thought we would do what we had to. And here I find myself a little over 19w pregnant facing another 20 weeks in a horizontal position. Don't get me wrong, I will do whatever it takes to see that this little being inside of me has the best chance of being born full term, but the thought of another 4 1/2 months on my back or side is daunting.

Last night I had my first pregnancy hormone & bed rest related break down. The mental, physical, emotional, and financial impacts of bed rest is daunting. It is also difficult to be once again reminded that I have so little control over this (or any, it seems) pregnancy. In the midst of sobs of no control over my body and this situation T. said to me, "But you do have control over how you respond to the situation." I almost socked him. I've been telling him this all along when he's been pessimistic about our ability to conceive. I suppose I should be happy that maybe a little of what I've been saying as sunk in.

I know many people in the world are in much worse situations and daily I try to remind myself that I am blessed in very many ways. Yet, I can't help feeling a bit sorry for myself. It feels as if any time we start to feel a little be confident or excited about the pregnancy something not-so-good happens.

This weekend we were getting excited because we think we've settled on a name (that I will keep to myself for a while) and a related theme for baby's nursery. We got a little bit excited on Tuesday (before we found out about the cervical length) when we were told that it appears that LO is a girl. Yay! Obviously we would've been happy either way but having a little girl will give me a glimpse of what life might have been like with Sylvie or Evie.

Now because I'm confined to either my bed or the couch my time spent with the kitties has increased. This is one of the good things about bed rest. This increased time with the kitties means increased cuteness. And you, lucky readers, will have the opportunity to witness some of this cuteness.  As a way to spend time and document the bed rest I will be taking photos of the kitties every day of bed rest and posting them here. Call me crazy, call me cat lady, but hey, if the flea collar fits...

Bed rest day 3:


  1. Those kitties look so happy to have your company!

  2. Thank you for sharing your blog with me. Martin and I are hoping with all our hearts for the best for you.


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