To work or not to work?

With this move we find ourselves in the fortunate position where I do not have to work. And honestly, it is freaking me out a bit. Before B. (and S. and E.) I was convinced that I would always be a career woman who chose to have children. 

My mom instilled in me the need to have a career. So much so I ended up with two - Urban Planner and Nurse! I believe her wise words were something like, "If you ever get divorced you want to be able to take care of yourself." Luckily, I am not divorced and ended up with two satisfying careers. 

After working so hard for my Masters in Urban and Regional Planning and then going back to nursing school and somehow surviving and thriving in an accelerated BSN program, the thought of not working or not having a career goal is a bit terrifying. 

What would I do all day? Chauffeur B. around Stuttgart? I do want a Volvo. Clean the house? HAH! That would never happen and if I start debating the best mixture for lime removal someone please slap me. Read all the books in my To Be Read pile? Unattainable. Exercise? Now, I would like that. Meet the other moms for pilates and mimosas while we wait for school pick up? I don't know if I am cut out for that.

T. and I have talked about the possibility of me going back to school for a Master's in Public Health or interning with AFRICOM or just enjoying not having a job after the most stressful year ever as a nurse.

What I really fear is that without a job I would sink into depression. I can easily see myself spending the day curled up on the couch, covered in blankets and cats, binge watching Scrubs on Netflix or Hulu or whatever show I can watch in Germany through a vpn (First I need to figure out what a vpn is and how it works!) with an empty bowl of cereal on the table beside me. I have been there before and it isn't pretty.

Heavy musing for a Sunday evening. 


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