Mrs. Tiggywinkle

T. went to look at a house today. It has lots of great features and only one or two negatives. The deciding factor maybe whether or not hedgehogs make visits to the yard. T. kindly humors me when I make such declarations. 

For almost as long as I can remember I have been a fan of hedgehogs. Mrs. Tiggywinkle was my introduction to hedgies and I have been enamored since. Being in the US the only chance I have had to interact with them has been at some petting zoo or what. 

In Germany the European Hedgehog is a wild animal. So while I won't be having any as a pet, the fact that I could have a wild one in my backyard is thrilling! 

I think I found a way to spend my days: hedgehog observing! Perhaps I'll build them a little town to inhabit in our back garden. Maybe sew them some little hats and provide boots for the wet weather. 

Here is our potential backyard. I think Hedgehog Hollow or Hedgehog Hill? Tiggy's Town? Winkle Woods? would look quite nice here. 


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