Waiting is the hardest part.

It has been a busy week. On Tuesday the photographer came to photograph the house for the real estate listing. On Wednesday the house went on the market. On Thursday I had a MS Teams interview for a nursing position in Germany. On Friday I worked and we had two house showings. Saturday we rested and on Sunday we had two more house showings.  

Now we wait for an offer. A good offer. An above listing offer. We hope. While we would like the best and highest offer possible, I will just be happy when the whole ordeal is over. I don't know how many times I can scrub the kitchen floor and polish the door knobs. Poor B. hasn't been able to play with most of her toys for fear of making a mess. 

This entire relocation process has been a hurry-up-and-wait game. It is a challenge to try to live in the present when you there are so many life-changing decisions out there. Where to live, sell the house, sell the car, get a job, school for B. Relocating across the globe is not for the faint of heart.

Some of the professional photos. Shout out to Wegmans for their beautiful flowers. I am glad I decided to splurge. 


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