New Blog Title. New Adventure. New Year.

Why the blog name change? Well, I'll tell you. The blog was previously named, "In Pursuit of a Family" and chronicled the loss of our daughter, considerations of adoption, and ultimate NICU experience with B. We have our family now, though we are always considering expanding the family but won't be doing that biologically and have ethical and moral concerns about spending $50,000 on an adoption but I we have reached our goal of a family. It is small. It is far from perfect. But it is ours and I am happy with it. 

But Adventure Girls and Ferd? Who is this Ferd character? B. loves imaginative play. One game we like to play is, "Adventure Girls".  She and I get to go off on adventures. We have binoculars, field notebooks, and adventure bags. Normally we just play Adventure Girls when we go on hikes but sometimes we use the promise of an adventure to help soften a potentially scary or anxiety-inducing situation. Another thing B. loves to play is family. LOVES IT. Wants to play it pretty much all the time. Even on family walks. Typically there is a mommy or big sister (B.), a little brother or uncle (T.), and an auntie or little sister (Me). There are certain names, ages, and situations that come up on these walks. One day while preparing for the game, T. was christened, "Ferd". He is the little brother of, "Rose" (B.).  My name frequently because that's how I roll.  With our upcoming grand adventure I thought the new blog name would be fitting. 

Now for the big news: A new adventure! T. and I have always discussed the possibility of moving to Europe but never pursued it for various reasons (lack of opportunities, mostly). Last year prior to the pandemic we finally got an opportunity! T. applied for a position in Germany and we were delighted when they offered him the position. The bad news was it would require a move and start in March. That would be the middle of the semester and T. didn't want to leave the university in a lurch. So with a heavy heart he turned down the opportunity but told them to keep him in mind for future possibilities. Then the pandemic hit. Lockdowns, social distancing, quarantines, remote schooling. All the fun stuff. And ultimately, another job offer (two actually) that T. accepted after careful consideration. An exciting new opportunity in the private sector. In Stuttgart. In Germany. In Europe! 

We are sad to be leaving our home of 13 years and our close connection to our family (the most difficult part of our decision) but we are excited about the new opportunities and experiences. Life is an adventure and the Adventure Girls and Ferd are excited for it! 

Here's a picture of the dog that will be moving to Germany with us:


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