Friday, June 28.

B. had a fairly good day today. Her vent settings are still minimal. Her feedings continue to increase. She's now getting 6ml every two hours. Her nurse called her a little piglet. They weighed her last night and she is now almost 1lb 6oz. The increase in feedings means that she is now off of all IV nutritional support.

But yesterday they did notice that her sugars were a bit high so they did some bloodwork. Today the culture did show some growth so B, is now on antibiotics. It is common for preemies to get infections but still scary for us. Please send good thoughts and prayers that the antibiotics are effective.

We have been able to kangaroo every day since Tuesday. And today at the close of kangaroo time I got to kiss my little girl for the first time. It was on her head and through her hat and super sweet!


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