Tuesday, June 25.

B. had an eventful day today. She has been stable on her vent settings and is at a very low setting. As long as she continues to remain stable her priorities are just getting bigger and stronger. She is almost stable enough to come off the conventional vent but her nostrils are still too little for the CPAP or nasal cannula.

She also had two of her IVs removed so now there is only 1 and it is for her nutrition. Her feedings continue to go well and she is up to 3ml every 2 hours. Her nurse mentioned that B, is getting close to going on full feeds of breast milk. When she goes to full feeds they will be able to remove this last IV. The full feeds would also mean that they would not need to try for a PICC line because they could administer meds orally.

The biggest event of the day was when I got to hold my little baby skin-to-skin for the first time since she was born. It was an amazing experience that only could've been better if T. was there with me. (Alas, he is at home with the pets and his father who is in town for a visit.) They call the skin-to-skin contact "Kangaroo Care" because they put the baby in your shirt as if it was a little pouch. We were uncertain how B. would tolerate the kangaroo-ing but she did wonderfully! (Mommy was a bit more nervous and emotional about the situation.) I got to hold B. for almost an hour and her vitals and settings remained stable. I'm so proud of my itty bitty girl. I'm not sure how frequently I'll be able to kangaroo her but since she tolerated it I am hopeful for more opportunities.

We are so grateful for the progress she has made so far.


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