Tuesday, July 23. Day 51.

Today was Bammy and Pop Pop's first time babysitting. It was also my first time away from B. *gulp* B said they did a great job! Bammy and Pop Pop seemed to enjoy it as well. They both had the opportunity to help out with B's care and actually thanked me for letting them change her diaper.

My parents were babysitting while I went back home for a doctor's appointment. The appointment was fine and it was my first time seeing Dr. K since my c-section. Dr. K is a kind man but not the most outgoing. At the end of the appointment I asked if I could hug him and he said yes. So I hugged him and said, "Thank you for saving my daughter." I truly believe that his great care along with that of Dr. E and that of the wonderful L&D nurses at the Hosp. helped keep B in as long as we did and helped get us where we are today.

I also went home for a few hours to see the kitties. It was my first time in my house in 11 weeks! It felt so nice to be home and to see my kitties. I last saw them on May 7th when I thought I was just going to the doctor for a routine appointment that turned into 4 weeks of hospital bed rest followed by this amazing journey. Needless to say they were very happy to see me. Yeti would not let me out of her sight! It was hard leaving them again but as B continues to get bigger and stronger I hope to be able to make a few more day trips back to see the pets.

It has been an emotional but good day. I once again want to express my gratitude to all the people, including those of you who I have only recently met because of this journey, who have helped us come this far. It is an amazing feeling to have so many wonderful people in our lives who truly care about our little girl.


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