Sunday, June 16.

B. is 14 days old! She had a good day today and for that we are grateful. Her blood culture was negative so they discontinued her antibiotics. They restarted her feedings. They were able to wean her oxygen settings on the oscillator. Her skin was looking much better and she was less puffy.

Today was also her day 14 brain scan. The scan showed no bleeds! Halleluiah! Her next scan is at 35 weeks.

There was more talk about trying for the PICC line tomorrow night. For now her hand IVs are still in good shape.

Theron was also able to spend part of the day with her. We were present for her care and T. got to take her temperature and give her a bath. He did a great job! He also read to her her first story.

She also had another visit from Auntie Sara, Uncle Paul, and Bammy. Daniel was here too but unable to visit Beatrix because of his age. (Pop Pop had a previous engagement so unable to visit today but will visit again soon.)

Thank you all for your continued support. We are hoping that tomorrow will be another good day but also realize that it may not be. But today was good and that is enough.


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