Bed rest!
As luxurious as it sounds to spend all day in bed or on the couch it really isn't all that it is cracked up to be. Today is my third day of bed rest. At my appointment on Tuesday they measured my cervix and found that it had reduced from 3.4cm last Tuesday to 1.3cm. The amount of change is such a short period of time was cause for concern. Dr. K said that I was off work and on bed rest for the remainder of this pregnancy. Oh lordy. T. and I had talked about the possibility of long term bed rest after a week of bed rest following the insertion of my cerclage at 12w. Neither of us was thrilled with the idea but thought we would do what we had to. And here I find myself a little over 19w pregnant facing another 20 weeks in a horizontal position. Don't get me wrong, I will do whatever it takes to see that this little being inside of me has the best chance of being born full term, but the thought of another 4 1/2 months on my back or side is daunting. Last night I had my first p...
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