A tale of two families...

Today was a day where our attempts for a family came to a crossroads.  When I started this blog it was with the intent to document our adoption journey. After our loss in July T. and I decided that if we weren't pregnant by January we would pursue adoption. (We also decided not to stop trying on our own.) Neither of us felt right spending money on IVF and with the history of adoption in our family we felt it was a better choice for us. So when December came and went with no bfp we arranged to meet with the social worker. Today was that meeting. We've been honest with her in our attempts for a bio-kid and she's been honest with us about how it would affect the adoption process. They will work with families with one or fewer children but won't place a child in a home with a new child for at least a year.

Life may change our plans but at the moment we are discussing adopting our second child. T. is 41 and I am 36. Assuming that the current pregnancy goes full term and we end up with our healthy, live, full term baby, most likely it will be our last pregnancy. Any future children would come through adoption.

About an hour after our appointment with the social worker we went to get our first ultrasound related for this pregnancy. According to my calculations we are 5w1d today, which, as you can imagine, is very early in the pregnancy. The u/s tech was a bit concerned that we wouldn't see much being so early but she was very excited and optimistic once she saw our little one on the screen. And this is what we saw:

Now I know it isn't much but there is a gestational sac and a yolk sac. It is too early to see much else. Fingers crossed that next time there is a fetal pole and a strong little heart beat!

After the ultrasound we got a few minutes with my doctor. He congratulated us numerous times and seemed genuinely happy for us.  He briefly laid out his plan for us which includes baby aspirin, progesterone, and lovenox. Our next appointment is on the 5th!


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