Announcing our bfp.

T. and I have discussed when and how we should announce our pregnancy, should it be determined to be viable. I go back and forth on this idea. I haven't announced it yet on TTCAL or PGAL because it is so new. Our first ultrasound is on Friday, should that go well then I will probably announce on the boards then. And should it not go well I will probably announce that on the boards then as well.

For the rest of the world I'm not sure. For bfp #1 we boxed up a raspberry and gave it to my parents as a gift. We were 8w along at the time and raspberry was our fruit of reference size. It was the day after our Mardi Gras party and my sister was visiting and hung over in bed. I can still remember the excitement on my mom's face.

For bfp #2 our announcement came in the form of a panicked phone call to my sister, again visiting my parents, at 11pm. I had some bleeding, T. was out of town, and I needed someone to talk to. She told my mom and dad and she and my BIL escorted me to the ER.

Announcing bfp #3 was done on Mother's Day 2012. We printed out Evie's ultrasound picture and wrapped it up and gave it to my mom as her present.

This time, I'm not sure I want to make a big deal about it. It is a big deal but playing it low-key might make it easier to handle.  There will be a ton of emotions regardless.  My sister and her family are scheduled to visit the weekend of the 16th. We will probably share the news then. I am scheduled for knee surgery on the 21st and if we are still pregnant surgery is not going to happen. So I will need to share why. Which means I will also have to tell my boss. The day before we got this bfp I submitted my paperwork for time off related to surgery.

T. would like to wait to share the news. I am a bit more willing to share earlier. We've been through so much. I used to be afraid of jinxing our pregnancies by telling others. Now I know that my control over whether or not this baby makes it is really out of my hands. Plus, thought I am not religious, I feel that we could use all the prayers we can get. So the more people who know about this the more positive energy can come our way.


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