Symptoms check.

5w6d today and the pregnancy symptoms are starting to kick in. Not fun but I will embrace each of them if it brings us our take-home baby.

Symptom #1: Gagging while brushing teeth.  I've been managing to get the teeth brushed but when I get near my tongue, well it isn't pretty. 

Symptom #2: Upset tummy. Last pregnancy I had issues with "things" stopping.  This time I seem to be having the opposite. Yuck. 

Symptom #3: Morning sickness. For me this is actually more of an all day issue. With each previous pregnancy the nausea and food aversions began around 6 weeks, so this one seems to be following right on track. So far the mornings have been okay and the evenings have been worse.  I think as long as I keep small amounts of food in my stomach things are better. At work I have some trail mix and I asked T. to pick me up some pretzels to crunch on. Constantly eating without weight gain is a challenge.  At the moment fruits and veggies aren't that appealing but I hope to add more of those into my snacking.  We have some edamame in the freezer. Those might be a good snack, but a little hard on the tummy. The fact that I can't remember which pregnancy it was is disturbing but with either Sylvie or Evie I had a craving for cantaloupe. That was a good snack and helped keep me hydrated as well.
Symptom #4: Food aversions. Today for lunch I had some yummy butternut squash ravioli with red peppers, snow peas, and carrots. Everything was going along well and tasting fine until I swallowed a snow pea that was extra stringy and I could feel the string in my throat.  I started gagging and almost threw up at my desk. Might be awhile before I can eat another snow pea.  


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